Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Well for most of the country Fall has fallen upon us.  I live in Arizona so for us it is but a day on the calendar.  Our temps have fallen though they threaten to be back in triple digits by tomorrow...mid October!  For the entire summer I have given myself the excuse that I can't exercise due to extreme heat...what then is my excuse now?

The morning and evening temps have gone down to a quite comfortable walking level, why then can I not find myself outside taking advantage?  I have gone for some short walks with my dogs but honestly these walks are too little and too infrequent.  I have been using my Wii and enjoying the exercise and dancing games, but that too is infrequent and fleeting.

This week I have honestly NOT been living by the code of my surgery.  It is as if I am determined to fail, why do I do this to myself?  How do I climb out of this hole that I have created?  How do I find a way to WANT to climb out?  My life pattern has remained the same...I do well, I stop doing well.

Why do we fall down? What keeps us down and how do we find something worth getting up for?  I am a blessed person, my husband has a good job and we have enough.  Often we don't get everything we want but always there is enough for what we need.  I am a simple person, surrounding myself with a few niceties but for the most part happy with what I have.  I feel complete...yet hopelessly incomplete.

I have fallen...how, when and why will I get up?

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